Our mission

Women* in Theater


Rough Magic Performance Company is a professional theater company focused on supporting women artists, audiences, and stories; we strive to embrace the complexities and diversity of women’s experiences from classics to contemporary work while promoting artistic excellence and community engagement.


Women Taking Center Stage


Women: Rough Magic Performance Company recognizes the limiting nature of the binary use of woman. We serve and welcome anyone on the gender spectrum who identifies either always or some of the time as a woman. We also serve and welcome those who are non-binary, while recognizing that not all non-binary people identify with aspects of femininity.

Intersectionality: Rough Magic Performance Company works through an intersectional lens for gender parity. We understand and acknowledge that systems of oppression and discrimination are interdependent and span all social categorizations such as race, class, gender, ability, religion, parental status, size, age, and sexual orientation as they apply to a given individual or group. Addressing one spoke of systematic discrimination or disadvantage means holistically addressing them all. 

Used with permission by StateraArts. We invite you to visit their website for the most up to date Inclusion Statement.

MAY 30TH, 2020


We at Rough Magic offer our support and solidarity with all who mourn George Floyd this weekend. We are joining with others in a call for the arrest and conviction of the four ex-law enforcement officers who perpetrated the murder, as well as the need for deep systemic change to eradicate the racism within the Twin Cities police forces and beyond. We believe that one way to start that work is to examine, acknowledge, and deconstruct the ways in which white supremacy plays out in our own work and our lives.

Our mission of telling women’s stories has drawn us into the stories of the mothers, sisters, and daughters of these black men and boys murdered by American police. If you’re interested in doing some of this story telling with us, please consider reading this article about how racial trauma affects African American mothers: https://www.vox.com/…/…/black-mothers-grief-sadness-covid-19

We are also planning our next virtual playreading of “Rachel” by Angela Weld Grimke - a powerful anti-lynching play from one of the strongest female voices in the Harlem Renaissance. Please contact us if you’d like to participate or listen.

We urge anyone who can to donate to support the family of George Floyd (https://www.gofundme.com/f/georgefloyd ) and to advocate for an end to white supremacy and racial injustice in all of our communities.

Alayne Hopkins and Catherine Justice
Co-Artistic Directors
